Caring for Motherhood
A ReadNPlay Production
Dear Mom,
We hope that you find this webpage to be helpful as a woman and mother. We designed it to share information, resources and tools to support your health and well-being. Our team members at ETSU Health are excited to partner with you on this journey called Motherhood.
When you visit our clinics, it’s likely that you will meet several different members of our team – nurses, doctors, behavioral health consultants, resource providers, and other allied health professionals – as well as health care providers-in-training, like students and residents. We can better and more conveniently serve our patients by working together in teams. Our teaching and learning environments ensure that you will receive the very best care. At ETSU Health, we prioritize women’s health throughout the lifespan. We seek to empower all women with information to keep them healthy and safe.
Learn more about our Caring for Motherhood journal

Dr. Karen Schetzina
Director of ReadNPlay for a Bright Future, Dr. Schetzina completed her medical degree
at University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill in 1997. She completed
her residency at Stanford University Medical Center in 2001. She conducts research
in General Pedatrics and Epidemilogy.
Caring for Motherhood contributors include: from ETSU Quillen College of Medicine and ETSU Health — Dr. Charlotte Alexander and Dr. Martin Olsen, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Dr. Joyce Troxler, Family Medicine; Dr. Diana Morelen, Psychology; and Kathryn Duvall, M.A., Dr. Debra Mills, Dr. Dianna Puhr and Dr. Sarah Tolliver, Pediatrics.
Designed and produced by Biomedical Communications (BMC Creative) at ETSU Quillen College of Medicine. Contributors include graphic designers Jill Fair and Robin Fisher; production, Fred Conley; editor, Rebecca Lucas.
This project was supported by the grant number 6 NU58DP006681-02-03 funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services.
© East Tennessee State University Department of Pediatrics, and Dr. Karen E. Schetzina. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any format by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. ETSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University: ETSU - 210180-A - 22 TNDOH Publication # Pending
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